We offer formal training classes on two of our Information Management tools.


Training is performed by highly skilled staff, fine tuned to your company’s specifications. As Saddle is an administration function, the typical Saddle training is performed in a one-on-one environment, using the Wrangler datasets being created for your company. Wrangler training is broken into ½ day sessions, with up to 10 end users, focusing on the specific needs of your company. The typical Wrangler training session is performed on-site, using your company datasets, which results in a highly productive training environment. In preparation for the training, our training staff will work with your Wrangler team, using the Wrangler Quick Start Guide as a template for the training agenda. Once the agenda is set, a custom training document is created, which incorporates your company’s data.


The training for Canopy is customized toward your company’s specific use of the Canopy application. While working closely with your company’s end users, we will focus the Canopy training on the unique aspects of the Canopy implementation.

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